Fira WIZO Finlands 100-årsjubileum
On behalf of WIZO Finland, I am writing to extend a warm welcome to the WIZO Finland 100 years weekend in Helsinki, which is scheduled to take place between Friday to Sunday November 15th and 17th, 2024.
The agenda will be published not later than September 30th. The indicative agenda is as follows:
Friday November 15th, 2024
14:00-15:30 Registration at Hotel U14
17:00-17:45 Friday Night Service in the Synagogue
17:45-20:30 Shabbath dinner hosted by the board of WIZO Finland in the Jewish Community of Helsinki
Saturday November 16th, 2024
09:00-12:00 Shabbath service in the Synagogue followed by Kiddush
12:00-16:00 Get to know Helsinki
18:00-24:00 Gala dinner and festive program in Ravintola Pörssi
Sunday November 17th, 2024
09:30-14:30 ECWF Annual General Meeting & Conference in the Jewish Community of Helsinki (Agenda for ECWF members will follow shortly)
The participation fee is 270€/person including Shabath dinner, Gala dinner and Sunday lunch.
WIZO-medlemmar från Sverige anmäler sig senast den 1 september via
We have reserved accomondations for ”WIZO” at the Hotel U14. Please, book your room by yourself via if you wish to use this opportunity. The Double Comfort room cost is €158 per night/room (single €148), including breakfast, VAT, wifi, gym and sauna. There is a limited number of rooms so we encourage you to be an early bird. Cancellations are free of charge until November 1st, 2024.
Warm Welcome & Shabbat Shalom
Päivi Mishael
president WIZO Finland
Hotel U14: Unioninkatu 14, Helsinki
The Jewish community & the synagogue: Malminkatu 26, Helsinki
Ravintola Pörssi: Fabianinkatu 14, Helsinki